If you want to attract girls with or without pheromones, then I have
three simple ways guys
can attract girls with that you can use. These
three ways will give you solid foundation to build more refined
1. The way how a woman find you
Women choose men they sleep based mostly on a subconscious level that
he has met her certain requirements. This biological programming in her
mind can also be due to the pheromones that are given off by the man.
Women are programmed for survival to seek men who can bear them
healthy children, and more importantly protect them from any dangers.
This means that women are attracted by strong, confident men who
gives off a sense of power and competence through the pheromones. Quite
the contrary to popular beliefs, nice guys who let women walk all over
them are not attractive to women. Needy men also fall into this
So if you want to attract women, you need to be in control of
yourself and your life. You need to present an image that you will still
be in control at whatever life throws at you. You will need to become
the alpha male.
2. Attracting women with pheromones-less social proof
Women tend to be greatly affected by social proof that they will
follow suit if everyone is doing that same thing. Women will pay
attention to what other women are doing and they will also do it, this
is call fashion. Therefore, the more women you are seen flirting with,
date, sleep with, the more women will want you.
All it takes is just a start by starting to talk with more women, initially might be your workplace.
With more women you talk to, there come more opportunities you can
ask for a date and with more dates, the more women you can sleep with.
Therefore, if you use social proof properly, it will become a fashion just to sleep with you.
3. Nature’s secret attraction weapon – pheromones
One of the ways guys can attract girls with is by using pheromones.
Pheromones are actually found in our body and really do work. It is just
that in present time, our pheromones levels are not that high.
Therefore by wearing pheromones colognes you can greatly increase your
chances of attracting women in any situation.
I have had great results in nightclubs even when I was just standing
quietly at the bar, I have been approached by many women. Some asked me
if I want a drink but sometimes they just ask if I want to get laid
These are the 3 surefire ways guys can attract girls with pheromones.
If you follow them diligently and apply it to your love life, you will
definitely make attraction much easier. However with your newly acquired
knowledge, I would still suggest you further your reading so that you
will have more refined techniques to use in the future.
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