of the Law of Attraction. It’s really not going to be hard.
Your Life is a Reflection of Your Beliefs Because of the Law of Attraction
Start here. Your life shows what you believe in. There hasn’t been an error. To change your life, you must start with your beliefs.
(Belief + Vision)Passion = Manifestation
This is the exact formula for the Law of Attraction. People have written about different ways of adjusting or projecting your belief or vision, but no one’s explanation contradicts this formula.
It all starts with beliefs and usually your core beliefs were implanted by your parents. This is why it is so difficult for children to do better than their parents. Even if you started out Gung Ho, and making a great name for yourself, as soon as you start to do better than your parents you will slow yourself down. One of their outspoken or subliminal messages about life will begin to take effect.
Your Vision will Influence Your Manifestations Because of the Law of Attraction
The second element in the Law of Attraction formula is vision. If your vision is of:
- losing your job,
- your partner,
- your bank account,
- your health or
- your home, then you probably will.
Each of the “visions” above can be implanted by an insurance advertisement, a magazine, a pharmaceutical advertisement, a bank advertisement or news of the current economic crisis and “identity theft.”
I was selling insurance for a while, and had to stop because I felt it was morally wrong to frighten people. — I couldn’t stand putting those visions of loss in people’s minds and this is the only reason someone will buy insurance. I didn’t know then what I know now about the Law of Attraction, but even so, I had an aversion to frightening people.
So, rather than spending time on what you don’t want, use these ideas to formulate a vision that you do want. Picture your ideal job, and spend time on it every day. Picture your ideal partner, and don’t forget to incorporate those things that have attracted you to people in the past. Picture your ideal bank account and your ideal state of health. Picture your ideal home. This will all help you consciously manifest using the Law of Attraction.
You will notice that your intuition will help move you closer to all these things as you keep them in mind and ask for advice. You will be inspired to do something, or to talk to someone or to read something specific. Do it.
The Strength of Your Passion will Speed or Slow Manifestation
If you are terrified of losing your health, it will happen faster then if you are only a little nervous about getting the winter flu. Emotional stress will cause ill health and meditation or other methods of spending a calm time for yourself every day will improve your health.
If you don’t care much about money, you won’t attract much even if your beliefs and vision are in line with money. As Napoleon Hill said, you have to court money like a lover. As you probably have already discovered, indifference won’t hold a lover long even if you manage to get a few dates.
It is easier to go with your passion than to try to change your passion. What are you interested in? What were your interests as a child? What do you love doing?
What if Your Beliefs or Vision Run Counter to the Thing that you Love?
This is often the case. Someone loves art/drawing/painting/carving but they don’t believe that they can make a living doing what they love. Or, someone else loves music, but is afraid of the judgment of the critics. The Law of Attraction will bring you what you need to pursue your passion.
The answer is to change your beliefs and your vision. This is easier than you think. Binaural beats will allow you to change your subconscious belief system. It will take a little while, but as long as you keep at it, you can do this. You will know that it has taken effect when your dreams start to change. Your dreams come from your unconscious, so they will always show you what is going on in that part of your mind.
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