Nothing creates a more attention-grabbing romantic signal that most
women will immediately
take notice of than the magnificent display of
Confidence in men. Whether it’s actually while in the act of “hitting”
on her itself, or merely doing something powerfully in her presence,
confidence always makes a stunning impact on women!
A dynamic display of self-confidence can have a near magical ability
to influence others and get them to RESPECT you as well — and it’s
especially important for women to see men as being confident because it
plays into their subconscious grading system via which they sort out the
(attractive) high status males from their (less desirable) low status
Here’s an important fact that you may not be aware of: men gain most
of their natural confidence not so much by interacting with women, but
by competing against one another. So your seeming LACK of it will be
read by a lot of these women as a measure of your submission to these
other men… professionally, financially, physically, etc. You have
apparently been made into one of their b***ches and now it shows through
in your shyness and lack of self-confidence!
This may not be entirely fair, but you need to understand little IS
fair in the game of romance and seduction — and so it’s something that
you need to factor in when it comes to getting yourself seen as being
out there “on the playing field”… an important appearance that you
should always try to maintain.
So in light of all this, here are 7 superb confidence tips that can really help you pump-up a weak and paltry male display:
1) Realize that most people are probably just as big a bundle of
doubts and insecurities as you are, probably even more so. And
especially women… and DOUBLE especially if she’s a 9 or 10! This is the
‘hidden insecurity’ phenomenon that the pick up artist’s technique known
as “neg hitting” attempts to exploit, (although I myself am not a
practitioner of this particular fine art, charming little sweetheart
that I am)…
Regardless, understand that we are ALL fighting with these same
challenges and demons… merely to different degrees. So keep soldiering
on — you are not alone in your struggles!
2) People are NOT mind readers… which means that they cannot peer
into your soul and know your deepest fears at a mere glance. So if you
appear to be confident around them, then who are they NOT to believe
you? “Hey, this guy seems pretty confident in himself for some reason,
so I guess I’ll go along with it… ” This gives us the advantage of being
able to “fake it until we make it” and pad our male display with some
early bluffing until our personal change becomes more genuine and deeply
integrated into our core personality.
Look, you’re probably already practicing exactly the opposite process
right now when you consistently keep talking the wrong sort of internal
self-talk to yourself. You are essentially hypnotizing yourself into
acting in ways that support a poor and unattractive self-image. So if
you want a better self-image, then learn to fill your head with better
thoughts about yourself and your value as a person than you do now.
Inner game is essentially 99% of the “secret” to coming off like the
confident alpha male around women!
3) Try to always remain aware of your body language and the kinds of
“plus or minus” subliminal signals about yourself that you could be
broadcasting to women — they have an extremely sensitive radar for this
sort of thing, and especially when it comes to men. I’m talking about
things like shoulders back, head up, solid eye contact, being at ease
about casually being the first to touch someone non-offensively (an
assumed HSM “privilege”).
Hey, don’t be afraid to employ a few “cheap trick” confidence tips
like this next one to get some early points on the board for yourself:
For instance, if you’re still too shy to meet someone’s eye directly,
then stare at their nose. Seriously, it’s an old salesman’s trick…
people cannot tell the different between someone staring at the bridge
of their nose and someone who’s looking them straight in the eye. Try it
today and see for yourself. (And also take note the more positive
reaction that you are pulling from people as well… The power of
4) If you see yourself as being confident in your own mind, then you
will give off a confident “vibe” about yourself without even being aware
of it. This has to do with the inability of the human mind to
distinguish between common everyday reality and a richly-imagined
fantasy. Your imagination is the gateway to achieving feelings of deep
self-worth, so learn how to use it to “fool” your subconscious mind into
seeing yourself in a stronger frame. What you are looking to do is
create an emotion more overwhelming than your fear. This will allow you
to begin seeing the people around you differently, while having them
view YOU differently as well.
It’s from this shift in subliminal vibes that new social
opportunities will soon begin to appear all around you — and your shiny
new cloak of unstoppable confidence will be the power that drives it
5) Never worry about having to “back up” your confidence — almost no
one ever has to do this. People see you acting confidently and that’s
just the way it is, they simply accept it. Rarely will anyone challenge
you to “prove” it (prove what?). It’s only those guys who really insist
on pressing what a tough guy they are that eventually end up in fights.
This isn’t confidence, it’s bravado. Like having a fat ‘tell’ in poker.
Look, there’s no shame in trying to change whatever poor thinking it
is that’s currently holding you back from participating fully in the
game of love and romance, so don’t worry about any of this high-minded
BS. These are just mental red herrings designed to keep you distracted
from making serious personal change in your life. No one can know what
you are doing in the privacy of your own mind, and it’s none of their
business anyway — so feel free to imagine your way straight into a
better life!
6) Get good at something that makes you look cool and/or powerful and
competent and show it off somehow (guitar hero anyone?… just
kidding;-). Seriously. Why not strive to become skilled at some type of
activity, trade, sport or even a cool hobby like rock climbing to help
yourself attract women? Start with some modest demonstration of your
prowess and just keep playing it up. Soon you’ll begin to gather a
following of closer friends and maybe even a few fans as well. (Just
don’t “pied-piper” them all into the jungle one day and have them sample
your specially formulated kool-aid… !)
7) Surrender the Self-Hatred and let your spirit fly! Give up once
and for all on the misguided belief that your station in life is somehow
genetically or culturally imposed upon you, and that you are
permanently stuck right where you are. That’s Middle Age-going-nowhere
sort of thinking. What it really is, is self-hatred keeping you locked
in its “hopeless and helpless victim” trap. It performs this little feat
by making any other alternative life-path seem impossible for you to
achieve, which is utter nonsense of course.
Take a chance to prove this to yourself today by challenging your
fear in some significant way. Get mad at your fear, take it on! Don’t
let these powerful confidence tips that I’m giving you just go in one
ear and out the other… use them!
I think that confidence, to finally describe it, is nothing more than
an overriding assumption that things will always go your way in the
end… no matter what. But this won’t happen for you until you get out
there and demonstrate to yourself that new and vastly different
possibilities really can exist… for YOU. Once you achieve this
absolutely critical cognitive breakthrough (called, duh… “belief and
motivation”… ) you’ll finally be able to take those first few baby steps
towards massive personal change…
And at that point, believe it or not, the hardest part of the entire journey will already be behind you
Mm.. Good tho tok